
LATIN Neurosurgery Journal


Byron Salazar-Maldonado, Military Hospital, Quito, EcuadorFollow
Jorge Salazar-Flores, Metropolitan Hospital, Quito, Ecuador
Pedro Aleixo-Nogueira, State University of Campinas, Brazil
Armando Alpizar-Aguirre, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
Tania Arancibia-Baspineiro, Center for Neurological Diseases, Bolivia
Julio C. Burgos-Flores, Central Hospital of the Social Security Institute, Paraguay
Andrei Fernandes-Joaquim, University of Campinas, Brazil
Eduardo Laos-Plasier, Almenara Hospital, Peru
Edson Lizarazu-Oroz, Hospital Obrero Nr 5, Potosi city, Bolivia
Carlos A. Llanos-Lucero, Faculty of Health Sciences. Universidad del Valle, Colombia
José L. López-Segales, Caja Nacional de Salud Hospital Obrero # 3, Bolivia
Thiago Magalhães-de Souza, State University of Campinas, Brazil
Juan F. Mier-García, Faculty of Health Sciences. Universidad del Valle, Colombia
Fernando Molina-Pizarro, Caja Nacional de Salud Hospital Obrero # 3, Bolivia
Filadelfo Normabuena, Hospital Puerto Montt, Chile
María E. Núñez-Castillo, Hospital Central de las Fuerzas Armadas (HCFFAA), Dominican Republic
Erika Reyes-Quezada, Centro CardioNeuro Oftalmologico y Transplante (CECANOT). Dominican Republic
Wilson Quispe-Alanoca, National Institute of Rehabilitation LGII of Mexico City, Mexico
Paulo G. Sacramento-da Silva, State University of Campinas, Brazil
Juan C. Salcedo-Moreno, School of Medicine. Faculty of Health Sciences.Universidad del Valle, Colombia
Josselin M. Sánchez-Mamani, Hospital Obrero Nr 5, Potosí city, Bolivia
Felipe A. Santos-de Queiroz-Chaves, Neurosurgery Resident, State University of Campinas
Reddy A. Simón-Nunes, Central Hospital of the Social Security Institute, Paraguay
Manuel E. Soto-García, Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Neurological Center, The American-British Cowdray Medical Center IAP
Perla M. Del Valle-Oros, Universidad de Sonora, Mexico
José A. Israel-Romero-Rangel, The American-British Cowdray Medical Center IAP, Campus Santa Fe, CDMX, Mexico
Luis M. Duchén-Rodríguez, Center for Neurological Diseases, Public University of El Alto, Bolivia
José A. Soriano-Sánchez, Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Neurological Center, The American-British Cowdray Medical Center IAP, Mexico

Document Type

Original Article


Introduction: The objective of this systematic review is to establish the main indi cations for the treatment of spinal tuberculo sis. Although there are many factors to con sider this modality of treatment, with differ ent techniques and surgical approaches, we summarize the main indications for easy to re member reference check list.
Methodology: On this systematic review we analyze the quality of evidence generated on the subject “Indications for Surgical treat ment in spinal tuberculosis” from 2017-01-01 to 2022-01-08 to stablish an update and issue recommendtions on this regard.
Results: 20 articles met the criteria and were included in this review. We analyzed retrospective, systematic reviews, meta analysis, we included a multicenter case control study. The objective of our search is to answer the question When is surgery indicated on spinal tuberculosis patients? despite the various surgical approaches and tech niques published.
Conclusions: 13 factors were identified and related as indications for a surgical treat ment of spinal tuberculosis, these are summa rized on Figure 1. There are many surgical approaches and all of them should consider these factors to make a surgical decision.


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