
LATIN Neurosurgery Journal


Erika Reyes-Quezada, Centro CardioNeuro Oftalmologico y Transplante (CECANOT), Dominican RepublicFollow
María E. Núñez-Castillo, Hospital Central de las Fuerzas Armadas (HCFFAA), Dominican Republic
Pedro Aleixo-Nogueira, State University of Campinas, Brazil
Armando Alpizar-Aguirre, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
Tania Arancibia-Baspineiro, Center for Neurological Diseases, Bolivia
Julio C. Burgos-Flores, Central Hospital of the Social Security Institute, Paraguay
Andrei Fernandes-Joaquim, University of Campinas, Brazil
Eduardo Laos-Plasier, Almenara Hospital, Peru
Byron Salazar-Maldonado, Military Hospital, Quito, Ecuador
Jorge Salazar-Flores, Metropolitan Hospital, Quito, Ecuador
Edson Lizarazu-Oroz, Hospital Obrero Nr 5, Potosi city, Bolivia
Carlos A. Llanos-Lucero, Faculty of Health Sciences. Universidad del Valle, Colombia
José L. López-Segales, Caja Nacional de Salud Hospital Obrero # 3, Bolivia
Thiago Magalhães-de Souza, State University of Campinas, Brazil
Juan F. Mier-García, Faculty of Health Sciences. Universidad del Valle, Colombia
Fernando Molina-Pizarro, Caja Nacional de Salud Hospital Obrero # 3, Bolivia
Filadelfo Normabuena, Hospital Puerto Montt, Chile
Wilson Quispe-Alanoca, National Institute of Rehabilitation LGII of Mexico City, Mexico
Paulo G. Sacramento-da Silva, State University of Campinas, Brazil
Juan C. Salcedo-Moreno, School of Medicine. Faculty of Health Sciences. Universidad del Valle, Colombia
Josselin M. Sánchez-Mamani, Hospital Obrero Nr 5, Potosí city, Bolivia
Felipe A. Santos-de Queiroz-Chaves, Neurosurgery Resident, State University of Campinas, Brazil
Reddy A. Simón-Nunes, Central Hospital of the Social Security Institute, Paraguay
Manuel E. Soto-García, Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Neurological Center, The American-British Cowdray Medical Center IAP, Mexico
Perla M. Del Valle-Oros, Universidad de Sonora, Mexico
José A. Israel-Romero-Rangel, The American-British Cowdray Medical Center IAP, Campus Santa Fe, CDMX, Mexico
Luis M. Duchén-Rodríguez, Center for Neurological Diseases, Public University of El Alto, Bolivia
José A. Soriano-Sánchez, The American British Cowdray Medical Center IAP, Mexico

Document Type

Original Article


Introduction: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that ranks as the thirteenth cause of death worldwide. As is known, tuberculo sis is not only limited to the lungs, but there is a wide range of extrapulmonary pathologies. Current diagnostic methods for spinal tuberculosis are limited by the time factor in order to provide results early and reliably. GeneX pert MTB/RIF is currently available as an al ternative, fast and reliable test for pathogen identification.
Methodology: This systematic review adheres to the PRISMA [1] criteria. The objective of the systematic review was to analyze the quality of the evidence gener ated on the topic ”GeneXpert as a diagnostic method for spinal tuberculosis” in the period ”January 2017-August 2022”. The keywords used in PubMed were ”Spinal tuberculosis and GeneXpert. all the articles of evidence level I-IV excluding only comprehensive re views, selected articles were evaluated with the GRADE system [2,3,4] and subsequently a SORT [5] type recommendation was issued in cases where it was feasible. The SORT recommendations were reviewed by consen sus by the TB study group using the Delphi system.
Results: 5 studies met the search criteria and were included in the review. The 5 corresponded to cross-sectional studies, 4 of these were prospective and 1 retrospective. All studies aimed to determine the diagnostic accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity of the GeneXpert test compared to standard reference tests such as culture and histopathology from tissue or pus-like discharge samples. Without being studied, GeneXpert was also found to have a high sensitivity and specificity for identifying rifampin resistance.
Conclusion: The GeneXpert test is an efficient and reliable method for the diagno sis of spinal tuberculosis. In addition, with the reduction of time in early diagnosis, a timely therapeutic intervention can be carried out and the complications of the disease can be reduced.


[1] Alessandro Liberati et al. The prisma statement for reporting systematic re views and meta-analyses of studies that evaluate healthcare interventions: Ex planation and elaboration. BMJ, 339:1 67, 2009.
[2] Jan L. Brozek et al. Grading quality of evidence and strength of recommenda tions in clinical practice guidelines part 3 of 3. the grade approach to develop ing recommendations. Allergy Euro pean Journal of Allergy and Clinical Im munology, 66:588–595, 2011.
[3] Jan L. Brozek et al. Grading quality of evidence and strength of recommen dations in clinical practice guidelines: Part 2 of 3. the grade approach to grad ing quality of evidence about diagnos tic tests and strategies. Allergy Euro pean Journal of Allergy and Clinical Im munology, 64:1109–1116, 2009.
[4] Jan L. Broek et al. Grading quality of evidence and strength of recommen dations in clinical practice guidelines: Part 1 of 3. an overview of the grade approach and grading quality of evi dence about interventions. Allergy Eu ropean Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 64:669–677, 2009.
[5] Mark H. Ebell. Strength of recommen dation taxonomy (sort). American Fam ily Physician, 83:1227, 2011.
[6] World Health Organization. Tuberculo sis, 2021. Internet.
[7] Zibo Zhou, Yan Zheng, and Leiming Wang. Diagnostic accuracy of the xpert mtb/rif assay for bone and joint tuber culosis using tissue specimens. Inter national Journal of Infectious Diseases, 105:224–229, 2021.
[8] Yali Yu, Yiyi Kong, Jing Ye, and Aiguo Wang. Performance of conventional histopathology and genexpert mtb/rif in the diagnosis of spinal tuberculosis from bone specimens: a prospective clinical study. Clinical Biochemistry, 85:33–37, 2020.
[9] Vijay Karthek, Pramod Bhilare, Shailesh Hadgaonkar, Ajay Kothari, Ashok Shyam, Parag Sancheti, and 40 Siddharth N Aiyer. Gene xpert/mtb rif assay for spinal tuberculosis-sensitivity, specificity and clinical utility. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma, 16:233–238, 2021.
[10] Q. Yiwei et al. Tuberculosis-specific antigen/phytohemagglutinin ratio com bined with genexpert mtb/rif for early diagnosis of spinal tuberculosis: A prospective cohort study, 2022.
[11] Jwalant Patel, Mihir Upadhyay, Vishal Kundnani, Zahir Merchant, Sanyam Jain, and Neil Kire. Diagnostic effi cacy, sensitivity, and specificity of xpert mtb/rif assay for spinal tuberculosis and rifampicin resistance. Spine, 45(3):163 169, 2020.
